Expression of C@ndy...

Expression of C@ndy...
Hanya semangkuk penuh ekspresi gula-gula yang tampak manis................Coba tuangkan dalam kata tuk resapi hati............. This is just a story inspired by a true story of a friend..............Just read it and sink in with your heart............ Expression of Candy...........It's just a real taste of candy.........Making love out of nothing at all...

Senin, 14 Desember 2020

the onlYOULIKEisME...

You try to copying me, n i'll show you more. The more you see, more you want it. You try to be like what i was. In the end you'll consider no one you've got. I am me, you couldn't be like me, never... I was born to be unlike...i have known it..n it doesn't matter for me. It's okay. I'm ok without them. Coz i'm single fighter...

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