Expression of C@ndy...

Expression of C@ndy...
Hanya semangkuk penuh ekspresi gula-gula yang tampak manis................Coba tuangkan dalam kata tuk resapi hati............. This is just a story inspired by a true story of a friend..............Just read it and sink in with your heart............ Expression of Candy...........It's just a real taste of candy.........Making love out of nothing at all...

Jumat, 04 November 2011

 It just feels like God is washing everything, refreshing and making everything clean! And I love the way it smells, that copper smell!

Just because her eyes dont tear doesnt
mean her heart doesnt cry.
And just because she comes off strong.
Doesnt mean there's nothing wrong
Separatis, a[atis

Rain falls on us
Tears of love
Tears of sadness
Tears of hate
Tears of joy
People choose to have umbrellas
People choose to stay dry
It’s raining, let’s go inside
Why avoid emotion
Dance in the rain
Drink the rain
Listen to the wise clip coping
The rain is a blur
No the rain is clear to those who listen
Clear and transparent in puddles
Beautiful pearls of light
Pearls of hope
Coming down on you
Don’t doge
Get soaked
With Tears of love
Tears of sadness
Tears of hate
Tears of joy


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